


Flush Mount 6" Wide x 3 1/8 High
Head Mount 4 9/16 wide x 2 11/16 High
Hand wheel Ajustable

Bullet Proof Ajustable While in Motion at 2000 ft/min feed rate
(Not Recomended. but it will do It)

Footage In and Footage Reading
Read out is 1/10 Foot (1 Rev of Input Shaft = 1 Foot)
99,999.9 Total Ft Read Out

Footage In with Feet and Meter Reading
Read Out is 1/10 Foot & 1/10 Meter
(1 Rev of Input Shaft = 1 Ft & .328125 Meter)
99,999.9 Total Read Out

Meters In with Meters Reading
Read Out is 1/10 Meter (1 Rev of Input Shaft = 1 Meter)
99,999.9 Meters Total Read Out

Footage In with Meters Reading
Read Out is 1/10 Meter (1 Rev of Input Shaft =.328125 Meter)
99.999.9 Meters Total Read Out

Footage In with Dual (Perforating) Footage Reading
Read Out is 1/10 Foot - Dual Counter (Perforating)
Both "Top to Bottom" Spacing Ajustable Total
Readout is 99.999.9 Feet

Meters In with Dual (Perforating) Metric Reading
Read Out is 1/10 Meter - Dual Counter (Perforating)
Both Top to Bottom Spacing Ajustable
Total Readout is 99,999.9 Meters

Footage In with Dual (Perforating) Metric Reading
Read Out is 1/10 Meter - (Perforating)
Both Top to Bottom Spacing Ajustable
Total Read Out is 99,999.9 Meters

All Units Available with Tach Output
All Units Available for Panel Mount or Head Mount (Measuring Head)

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